Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Damn my Disorganization

Unfortunately so far I am not finding the third drawing.  That was the drawing that the Pump House did allow me to put in.  The one gallery worker really liked it, and fought for me to get it in.  They allowed it because it wasn't frontal nudity.  It may be worth noting that there was a piece exhibited by one of the high school students of Adolf Hitler's head transposed onto a nude nippleless female body.  If I find the drawing I will put it here.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Le Chat Noir

The Great in fancy tights.  I tried to get this into my first at exhibit at the Pump House.  I was rather frustrated.  I had informed them of my intent to put it in, but they said because of the high school exhibit also going on it got the ax.  Part of the frustration was I had done this goofy thing where I was sandwhiching them between glass.  I think I was trying to save money as plexi is more expensive.  The result was ridiculously heavy as they were quite large sheets of glass.  It was also bad because when I was putting them together one sheet of glass broke while I was holding it.  My hands were pretty badly cut up.  I had to do the hands over the head thing to get the bleeding to stop.  It was running down my arms.  So anymore I never use regular glass for big images.  Plexi is safer and it is also much lighter.

Marla again

This is Marla.  Tried to put this in my first exhibit too.  See above.  At the time there were lots of ads for Las Vegas the "What Happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" thing.  I guess I am a stick in the mud, but this ad campaign always bothered me.  If you loose all your money that won't just stay in Las Vegas.  If you shoot up heroin in Vegas that will stick with you.  If you get AIDS that will also be leaving Las Vegas with you.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Baby brains

This is a lithograph.  I don't remember where exactly I was going with it beyond it was based on a photo in an article I had to read for an anthropology class.  It was a photo from a study at Dartmouth of a baby with a wire cap on.  I meshed this photo with the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time series.  It is kind of a WTF piece.

Id ego stuff?

These were done with the mindset that there are dark things in our pasts and in our psyches.  That it is important to be aware of our inner monsters lest they take control over us.  I don't know if this would tie into FreudFreud's id ego thing.  Although much of Freud's stuff I believe turned out to be garbage.
I think I was just playing around with the mezzotint rocker on this one.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Monday, August 7, 2017

My Ninja Love

This got into something.  I think maybe an online gallery thing.

Hi, guess where I am right now...


And this is The Great

The Big or The Great?

The text in this is cursive Hebrew, which is incidently the older form and more properly Hebrew.  The alphabet letters used today on more formal things, and what everone associates as Hebrew, is actually Aramaic.  I am rusty on my Hebrew.  I am positive hagdolah can be translated as the big, but I think I was trying to say the great here.  As one of the models was nicknamed the great.

Damn Vipers


This model's real name is Emily, but she insisted on being called Marla.  As she was quite a fan of Fight Club.

Theater People

Sunday, August 6, 2017

First Lithograph ever and the origin of the Alphabet

Looking back this is kind of a weird image.  The letter in the middle is supposed to be the Hebrew letter aleph.  The aleph is sort of a midpoint in the evolution between the cuneiform logogram for ox and our letter A.  In Sumerian the logogram was pronounced "gu", and in Akkadian "alpum".  The cuneiform is still very evident in our capital A.  It just needs to be flipped upside down and the triangle is the head of the ox and it's feet are the horns.  The term alphabet does actually come from Akkadian.  Alpum, ox, and bitum which means house.  The letter B corresponds to the logogram for bitum.  So our alphabet starts with the two most important things in Akkadian life.                                                                           In Judaism the aleph is a special letter because it doesn't have it's own sound.  It adopts the sound of the vowel marking underneath, usually an ah sound.  I think maybe this is sort of carry over from the Akkadian.  Because it was a sign that represented a word not a syllabic sound.  The tradition though is that the aleph could only be pronounced by G-d.  That is why when Moses brought the Ten Commandments down people went insane.  They could hear G-d pronouncing the aleph, and human ears and brains were not equipped to handle it.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Si Sommeil

This was a lithograph that came out too light, so did some water color over it and glued on tinfoil stars.  I wasn't really sleeping much then.  This was to express how tired I was.


This was the advertising I did for my first exhibit.


I only did one of these.  I had put some paint thinner on this that is why it bled out like that.  I don't remember why I did that.
Maybe she liked the attention, but I felt bad for this model.  She was well endowed, and one guy decided to not draw her.  He just sat in a chair the entire time staring at her.  She only posed for us that one time.  I did some figure modeling when I was done and through school, mainly to see what it was like on their end.  It is a scary and nerve racking experience even when people are being professional about it.